Philippe Godin, DMV, PhD
Research Fellow
Philippe Godin is a trained veterinarian who completed a PhD in ovarian biology in the laboratory of Dr. Derek Boerboom at the Université de Montréal, where he studied the roles of the Hippo signaling pathway in the murine ovulatory cascade.
He joined the Pépin lab in 2022 to work on the development and testing of anti-Müllerian hormone-based contraceptives in female cats and dogs. He combines his expertise on folliculogenesis and ovulation with his veterinary background to improve the current therapies and better understand their mechanism of action in vivo.
He is a board game enthusiast: his Wingspan all-time high score is 94 (1).
Projects: “Single injection of AAV9 Mullerian Inhibiting Substance as an ideal permanent contraceptive” and “Vectored contraception in the female dog by Mullerian inhibiting substance” (The Michelson Found Animals Foundation)
1- Godin, P., Chénier, V., Roy, S-P. & Soucy, S. Journal (scorepad) of the Wingspan Base Game, North American Edition (2022).
Ovarian histological section of a domestic cat showing follicles of different stages of development
Graphical abstract of the reproductive outcomes following treatment with an AAV-AMH-based contraceptive in female domestic cats (see Vansandt et al., 2023)